So...I am an iPad owner and totally loving it. It's only been 3 days and already I cannot believe how much I love this thing! I was pretty sure that I would be a paper and pencil girl forever but after having a few days to fiddle around with my iPad I am not even going to buy a day planner for next year. There is a little bit of work ahead to get everything from the paper format into the digital format and I am giving myself soe time with the different apps to find the right ones for me. so far I really like Evernote, Dropbox, and Quick Office HD. With those apps I've been successful in moving my work info over so I don't have to use my laptop too much at work which will totally make my back happy! I've watched a few movies on Netflix and also moved my books over from my Kindle (I do prefer reading on my kindle though but the two are linked now so if I read a page on my kindle then leave for work I can read on my iPad and when I get home, turn on my Kindle and be on the same page I left off on my iPad!)
Anyway on to other things as I haven't updated my blog in over a month!
On Sunday I have a trial run of a half marathon scheduled. And it's new years so why not! I am a little afraid of how my legs will feel the next day but also excited to see how I do! I had The Resolution Run 8K planned and will probably still go to race packet pick up as the entry fee was a bit steep and I want the jacket!
That's all for now :)