Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Insanity 35 day Quest

Ok so I've come up with this BRILLIANT Fitness quest to kick off my turning 35! I've joined tribe sports.com & some challenges that are...challenging! The next 2 weeks will be my regular running schedule plus:

- 100 crunches a day
- 25 squats a day
- 10 push ups a day
- 1min plank a day

I started today & feel like jello so tomorrow will be interesting!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

June Goals

Here's what is running through my head for June.

Races: none planned.

Mon = 5 miles
Tues = 3 miles hills (treadmill as there are no hills around here)
Wed = 4 miles pace
Thur = 5 miles
Fri = Rest day
Sat = long run 8-10 miles, increasing a mile every 2 weeks
Sun = Cross train (bike & yoga)
Weekly mileage: 25-27miles/wk
Month mileage: 112 miles

I've been fitting in a 5-6K run in the evening on a few days as well. I will keep this up only if I'm feeling really great. Right now my knee is sore & hip is still twitchy so I will scale that back for next week anyway.

- geeking out with my new Garmin. I'm looking forward to it, but still going to miss my FR110 like crazy.
- running the long runs slowly - like really slow. Monday & Thursday slower as well.
- stretching, stretching, stretching
- eating smart. Getting lighter = getting faster! Haven't been too successful in the getting lighter department :(

Monday, 27 May 2013

Race Registrations

I feel like a lot has happened since yesterday! So much thinking about running & decisions etc. Due to yesterday's sub-par performance & to some extent, the 6 month running break I had to take between October & March, I've decided not to do the Banff Half Marathon. It still sounds amazing & would be cool to do it during the first year but I just don't feel ready.

So instead, my next race (might do a 5k or 10k between now and then) is the Dinosaur Valley Half Marathon on September 8th.

That will give me the summer to build back up my running base & confidence & then go out & enjoy it rather than stress out which is what I was doing with Banff at the end of June.

I did competitive dressage for years & ended up getting out of it because it got to the point where it was so very very competitive & everything had to be perfect & for me that just took the fun out of it. I DEFINITELY still have that competitive nature in me but am determined to keep things fun & enjoyable while I compete with myself!

Also today I registered for my 1st marathon!!! Yay! Calgary Marathon 2014!!!!! I have a year to be ready & to Rock it. I would LLOOOVVVEEE to qualify for Boston as well & that no doubt will be in my mind & my training as I focus on race pace etc but however it goes, this marathon will be my first & that's super special in its own right :)

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Jugo Juice 10K

Today was awesome. It didn't go as I had thought, but the part that made it awesome was that I just went with it, did the best I could, & enjoyed the day!

Since we moved to Sylvan Lake, Calgary is now a 'destination' race if you will. I found us a great rate at the Marriott downtown which is super close to the C-train.

We headed to Calgary around 11on Saturday after dropping Lilo off at the parents in law & chatting with them for a few minutes.

When we arrived in Calgary we stopped at the expo to pick up my race packet. Just like last year, this was super well organized we zipped in & out in about 15 minutes. The shirts are awesome! Love that the sizing is more true to size. Last years shirt fit but was not very forgiving, this one is a little more roomy & I like that. It's a great design as well. (I will add pictures once I'm at a computer)

After that we went & saw Star Trek: Into Darkness at Chinook (it was super good) & went to milestones for some pasta for me (gluten free & soooo yummy!) & steak for Nick. Then we watched some surfing movie that was really good, based on a true story & I cannot remember the title of it!

I set my alarm for 5:30 & we headed out around 6:30, paid for more parking in the parkade & hopped on the train to Erlton.

We got there just as O'Canada was playing before the 42.2 & 21.1's headed out.

Then it was line up & go time!!!!! I didn't have music or water, just my Garmin & race number belt with the pouch on it for my phone & Kleenex & wow that's the way to go! I used water/Gatorade stations for the first time ever & realized I'd apparently feared them for no reason. I've always just assumed I'd run into someone or someone into me & did everything to avoid them. This time though they were a huge motivator for me & I loved them! Sweet!

The first kilometre was a mob of runner/shufflers. The only pace bunny I'd seen at the start was the 0:45 & 0:50 which I situated myself in between...or so I'd thought, it was a bit mash mash & I lost track of them quickly.

On the first little uphill, something inside of me popped or stretched or something! I had a giant pain from my butt to my hip & down my left leg to the point where I was limping every step. I moved over to the side, stopped, stretched & then started again. It would be ok for a few steps & then would be back again. Scores of people passed me & I was wayyyy at the back of the pack by 3Km. Finally just before 4Km it went away & I slowly was able to run again. I gingerly went along until the 6K point & then hauled butt for the last 4K. My time was 1:32:00 which is over 1/2 hr over my time goal but I didn't stop & so I'm pretty proud of that!

Highlights for me:

1. Running on Memorial Drive. I remember being a kid & coming to Calgary to see my Grandparents, I always thought Memorial Drive was the most beautiful place ever with the trees & river & then downtown in the background, this was really special for me.

2. There was this older gentleman running ahead of me as I stopped & stretched & then kept going, he was so cool! He thanked EVERY volunteer he passed. What a sweet man!

3. The organization was amazing! I'm super Type A & tend to get nervous if I don't know what to expect. Having that email go out last night about watching footing & to always go left when the cones split the road was just brilliant in my books!

4. Nick took a pic of me as I was heading into the grandstand, I'm in a mob of other runners & it's grainy but he was SO excited that he was able to take a picture of me running :)

5. The pancake breakfast. There were no gluten free ones, but Nick got pancakes which was awesome as he got a reward for the morning too!

6. Medals. Love my giant medal :)

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

5 Days 'til Jugo Juice 10K!

Getting excited!

With 5 days to go until my first race of the year, the excitement is setting in early! I'm so happy to be healthy & ready to do this. Also, a 10K is a great kick-off to the summers 3 half marathons.

I checked the weather forecast & it's supposed to be sunny & a high of 16 (this may change) that sounds pretty good, hoping it's not crazy windy like today.

I am hoping for a sub 60 minute time but will just be sure the 1:10 pace bunny crosses the finish line after me & I will be good with that.

Happy Running!

Monday, 15 April 2013


Last week, I made the fairly epic decision I would focus my training toward qualifying for Boston. I had finally been bitten by the Boston bug & decided to add it to my list of running goals.

After the tragic events today at the Boston Marathon, qualifying seems like such a bigger & more purposeful goal now. The bombings haven't deterred me from working towards doing this, they've catapulted my desire to train and accomplish this goal.

The news of today has really affected me, it's fairly akin to September 11th in that my brain isn't sure what to do. This is running: safe, happy, running.

The spectators- our cheerleaders- were the ones really affected. The parents supporting their kids, wives & husbands cheering on their significant other, friends catching a glimpse & snapping a photo as their running friends go by.

It does not make sense, why target dedicated, hard working athletes who are getting out there to celebrate their accomplishments in a sport they love? People lost feet, ankles, limbs today. Does not make sense.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Flip Flop

I am so torn!

I'm currently registered for the Half Marathon on may 26 but am going back and fourth on if I should switch it to the 10K. I've already emailed the race people to ask about switching so if they go ahead & just do it then I guess I have my answer.

Right now in my training which is really just getting started after months off, I'm comfortable at about 6 miles easy pace. I'm thinking with 6 weeks to go & a very weak/non existent base that the 10K might be the smarter route.

If I were to do the 1/2 I would be walking the majority of it which is ok I guess but I'm really not a fan of running/walking on my own at the back of the pack at an event. Adding a mile each week to my long run would get me there in time though.

So undecided!

Sunday, 31 March 2013

Easter Saturday

Yesterday was awesome! Most fun I've had in a while :)

I started off the day with a treadmill run/walk for 7 miles & a dog walk/jog for 5K as part of the Virtual Happy 5K for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Notice how I put walk at the end of the treadmill & beginning if the 5K? Yeah, I wasn't speedy for sure but I got out there & did it and it set the tone for the day :)

Got home, had a shower & headed over to the parents in law. Everyone was outside enjoying the nice day. Lilo had a blast outside playing with the other dogs & just running around playing farm dog.

We had a great dinner with hot plates & loads of meats, veggies, cheese etc to put on the grills. I love doing a hot plate as we tend to really mingle & have conversations rather than just scarfing down food...although we did that too!

Then I got to see the puppies! Three litters of cute little puppies! Copper had her puppies (Golden-Doodles) that day with a total of 12! Reba had hers on Monday (Bernese) with 6 I think & Simba had hers (Bernese) on Friday with 9. I might've got the numbers switched for Simba & Reba. Anyway 27 adorable healthy puppies in total :) they each have their own box in the house & have been spoiled with extra food & goodies like liver, eggs & extra calcium - strong mom's = strong puppies!!!

After dinner we coloured Easter eggs (I have blue fingers still)! i think it was originally intended to be a kids only activity but i got a little excited about it so i got one to colour. Nick did one & so did Ed & Kees & Anneloes! John brought fireworks which were excellent! and then we had a quick bonfire with the old Christmas trees. Headed home around 10:30. I was so tired & literally took of my shoes & went to bed! It was a fun day!

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Taking a Twitter/FaceBook break: Part One

Earlier this week while reading through posts on Twitter, I came across an article about being addicted to your iPhone. I pretty much knew before reading the article that I was addicted but thought I would read it for kicks. I cannot live without my phone & the social media/messaging connection it provides and the article confirmed this & also talked about the stress your iPhone can induce.

Now, I'm always working on dealing with stress in the best way possible as in the past it was something I've struggled with, so I took this to heart & decided to take a social media break from yesterday until Sunday. Needless to say, this is very difficult. I've refrained from checking Twitter & FaceBook though I have been checking email & iMessages.

This is toughest when hubby is at work & I'm home alone. What is there to do?!?! I thought a lot about the things I did before I got addicted to the Internet & that involved going outside, watching tv or reading books. Besides that I don't have very many hobbies.

So far, I've sat out on the deck with Lilo in the sun, in shorts! Played hide & seek with her in the house, gone for some walks, did a few Nike Training Club workouts, entered my running calendar from now until the end of September & just sat around & thought about stuff.

I'm missing checking in with everyone on Facebook & twitter & feel quite disconnected from everyone. I wasn't fully aware of the extent I use social media for my Information gathering & socializing especially over the last few months.

This will (& is) good for me I know, it is a bit of a challenge though!

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Northwest Passage Half Marathon

Update: just got a reply to an email I sent to the Northwest Passage Marathon & they do offer a Half Marathon! So excited for this one!!!!!

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Dopey Challenge & Beyond

Contrary to my last post, I am doing the Dopey Challenge in 2015!

There are not very many half marathons in January here & the ones that exist, are all the way across the country & very small. When travelling to Ontario & further east, I want to participate in larger events & it would be nice to go when it's not winter storming out.

The 1/2's I am looking at so far are
- BMO Okanagan 1/2
- ScotiaBank Calgary (this is a definite!)
- Gopher Attack 1/2 in SK
- Not sure on MB
- Around the Bay 30K OR Ottawa 1/2 Marathon
- Rock n Roll Montreal Full
- BMO PEI 1/2
- Bay of Fundy 1/2
- Blue Nose 1/2
- not sure on NFLD
- Northwest Passage Marathon (no 1/2 offered) Nunavut
- Mayo Midnight 1/2 Marathon Yukon
- Yellowknife 1/2 Marathon

Many of the dates are very close to one another. So still much planning to do.

Looking forward to Dopey as the kick-off. I am going to run the distances on the 2014 dates at home. There will be a DRASTIC temperature difference but it will give me a feel for how I recover well in advance to adjust training as needed.

Sent from my iPhone

Race Research

I've made the decision to run a half marathon in each Canadian province and territory, ideally in a 12-month time frame.

As I've just came up with this idea a few days ago, I am not sure on the details or even if Scheduling etc will allow for me to do this all in one year, but thats my goal. Ideally I would like to run a half marathon each month of 2015 and then do the Dopey Challenge (5K, 10K, Half Marathon, and Marathon at Walk Disney World's Marathon Weekend) in Jan of 2016 with a family vacation to Walt Disney World as well after the race weekend. 

I'm actually very excited for it. There is a lot of planning and fitness prep needed but I feel like I need a really really good goal right now, something to strive for and be a personal challenge. 

I will be researching races and posting about them here. Its gonna be awesome!!!!

My races for this year are:
- Jugo Juice 10K in Calgary
- Banff Half Marathon
- Melissa's Road Race 22K

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Banff Half Marathon

Sweet! Just signed up for the Banff Half Marathon!!!!!!!

Blue Ridge Marathon

Thanks to #RunChat for continuing to expand my running horizons & offering a free race entry to the Blue Ridge Marathon! http://bit.ly/031013rcbrm Last year you introduced me to compression socks when Pro Compression was a sponsor & that really helped with my training plus Pro Compression had amazing customer service so they will be my only stop for compression socks!

This would be an amazing opportunity to test myself & have a blast in the process!

I'm currently planning on running 3 half marathons this year & have been working on lots of hill training. This would mean a big jump up in training & that's exciting to me. I love having goals, prepping for them & then seeing the results at the end :)

this would be a big one thats for sure but I am up for the challenge!