Sunday 31 March 2013

Easter Saturday

Yesterday was awesome! Most fun I've had in a while :)

I started off the day with a treadmill run/walk for 7 miles & a dog walk/jog for 5K as part of the Virtual Happy 5K for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Notice how I put walk at the end of the treadmill & beginning if the 5K? Yeah, I wasn't speedy for sure but I got out there & did it and it set the tone for the day :)

Got home, had a shower & headed over to the parents in law. Everyone was outside enjoying the nice day. Lilo had a blast outside playing with the other dogs & just running around playing farm dog.

We had a great dinner with hot plates & loads of meats, veggies, cheese etc to put on the grills. I love doing a hot plate as we tend to really mingle & have conversations rather than just scarfing down food...although we did that too!

Then I got to see the puppies! Three litters of cute little puppies! Copper had her puppies (Golden-Doodles) that day with a total of 12! Reba had hers on Monday (Bernese) with 6 I think & Simba had hers (Bernese) on Friday with 9. I might've got the numbers switched for Simba & Reba. Anyway 27 adorable healthy puppies in total :) they each have their own box in the house & have been spoiled with extra food & goodies like liver, eggs & extra calcium - strong mom's = strong puppies!!!

After dinner we coloured Easter eggs (I have blue fingers still)! i think it was originally intended to be a kids only activity but i got a little excited about it so i got one to colour. Nick did one & so did Ed & Kees & Anneloes! John brought fireworks which were excellent! and then we had a quick bonfire with the old Christmas trees. Headed home around 10:30. I was so tired & literally took of my shoes & went to bed! It was a fun day!

Thursday 28 March 2013

Taking a Twitter/FaceBook break: Part One

Earlier this week while reading through posts on Twitter, I came across an article about being addicted to your iPhone. I pretty much knew before reading the article that I was addicted but thought I would read it for kicks. I cannot live without my phone & the social media/messaging connection it provides and the article confirmed this & also talked about the stress your iPhone can induce.

Now, I'm always working on dealing with stress in the best way possible as in the past it was something I've struggled with, so I took this to heart & decided to take a social media break from yesterday until Sunday. Needless to say, this is very difficult. I've refrained from checking Twitter & FaceBook though I have been checking email & iMessages.

This is toughest when hubby is at work & I'm home alone. What is there to do?!?! I thought a lot about the things I did before I got addicted to the Internet & that involved going outside, watching tv or reading books. Besides that I don't have very many hobbies.

So far, I've sat out on the deck with Lilo in the sun, in shorts! Played hide & seek with her in the house, gone for some walks, did a few Nike Training Club workouts, entered my running calendar from now until the end of September & just sat around & thought about stuff.

I'm missing checking in with everyone on Facebook & twitter & feel quite disconnected from everyone. I wasn't fully aware of the extent I use social media for my Information gathering & socializing especially over the last few months.

This will (& is) good for me I know, it is a bit of a challenge though!

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Northwest Passage Half Marathon

Update: just got a reply to an email I sent to the Northwest Passage Marathon & they do offer a Half Marathon! So excited for this one!!!!!

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Dopey Challenge & Beyond

Contrary to my last post, I am doing the Dopey Challenge in 2015!

There are not very many half marathons in January here & the ones that exist, are all the way across the country & very small. When travelling to Ontario & further east, I want to participate in larger events & it would be nice to go when it's not winter storming out.

The 1/2's I am looking at so far are
- BMO Okanagan 1/2
- ScotiaBank Calgary (this is a definite!)
- Gopher Attack 1/2 in SK
- Not sure on MB
- Around the Bay 30K OR Ottawa 1/2 Marathon
- Rock n Roll Montreal Full
- BMO PEI 1/2
- Bay of Fundy 1/2
- Blue Nose 1/2
- not sure on NFLD
- Northwest Passage Marathon (no 1/2 offered) Nunavut
- Mayo Midnight 1/2 Marathon Yukon
- Yellowknife 1/2 Marathon

Many of the dates are very close to one another. So still much planning to do.

Looking forward to Dopey as the kick-off. I am going to run the distances on the 2014 dates at home. There will be a DRASTIC temperature difference but it will give me a feel for how I recover well in advance to adjust training as needed.

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Race Research

I've made the decision to run a half marathon in each Canadian province and territory, ideally in a 12-month time frame.

As I've just came up with this idea a few days ago, I am not sure on the details or even if Scheduling etc will allow for me to do this all in one year, but thats my goal. Ideally I would like to run a half marathon each month of 2015 and then do the Dopey Challenge (5K, 10K, Half Marathon, and Marathon at Walk Disney World's Marathon Weekend) in Jan of 2016 with a family vacation to Walt Disney World as well after the race weekend. 

I'm actually very excited for it. There is a lot of planning and fitness prep needed but I feel like I need a really really good goal right now, something to strive for and be a personal challenge. 

I will be researching races and posting about them here. Its gonna be awesome!!!!

My races for this year are:
- Jugo Juice 10K in Calgary
- Banff Half Marathon
- Melissa's Road Race 22K

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Banff Half Marathon

Sweet! Just signed up for the Banff Half Marathon!!!!!!!

Blue Ridge Marathon

Thanks to #RunChat for continuing to expand my running horizons & offering a free race entry to the Blue Ridge Marathon! Last year you introduced me to compression socks when Pro Compression was a sponsor & that really helped with my training plus Pro Compression had amazing customer service so they will be my only stop for compression socks!

This would be an amazing opportunity to test myself & have a blast in the process!

I'm currently planning on running 3 half marathons this year & have been working on lots of hill training. This would mean a big jump up in training & that's exciting to me. I love having goals, prepping for them & then seeing the results at the end :)

this would be a big one thats for sure but I am up for the challenge!