Thursday, 30 May 2013

June Goals

Here's what is running through my head for June.

Races: none planned.

Mon = 5 miles
Tues = 3 miles hills (treadmill as there are no hills around here)
Wed = 4 miles pace
Thur = 5 miles
Fri = Rest day
Sat = long run 8-10 miles, increasing a mile every 2 weeks
Sun = Cross train (bike & yoga)
Weekly mileage: 25-27miles/wk
Month mileage: 112 miles

I've been fitting in a 5-6K run in the evening on a few days as well. I will keep this up only if I'm feeling really great. Right now my knee is sore & hip is still twitchy so I will scale that back for next week anyway.

- geeking out with my new Garmin. I'm looking forward to it, but still going to miss my FR110 like crazy.
- running the long runs slowly - like really slow. Monday & Thursday slower as well.
- stretching, stretching, stretching
- eating smart. Getting lighter = getting faster! Haven't been too successful in the getting lighter department :(

Monday, 27 May 2013

Race Registrations

I feel like a lot has happened since yesterday! So much thinking about running & decisions etc. Due to yesterday's sub-par performance & to some extent, the 6 month running break I had to take between October & March, I've decided not to do the Banff Half Marathon. It still sounds amazing & would be cool to do it during the first year but I just don't feel ready.

So instead, my next race (might do a 5k or 10k between now and then) is the Dinosaur Valley Half Marathon on September 8th.

That will give me the summer to build back up my running base & confidence & then go out & enjoy it rather than stress out which is what I was doing with Banff at the end of June.

I did competitive dressage for years & ended up getting out of it because it got to the point where it was so very very competitive & everything had to be perfect & for me that just took the fun out of it. I DEFINITELY still have that competitive nature in me but am determined to keep things fun & enjoyable while I compete with myself!

Also today I registered for my 1st marathon!!! Yay! Calgary Marathon 2014!!!!! I have a year to be ready & to Rock it. I would LLOOOVVVEEE to qualify for Boston as well & that no doubt will be in my mind & my training as I focus on race pace etc but however it goes, this marathon will be my first & that's super special in its own right :)

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Jugo Juice 10K

Today was awesome. It didn't go as I had thought, but the part that made it awesome was that I just went with it, did the best I could, & enjoyed the day!

Since we moved to Sylvan Lake, Calgary is now a 'destination' race if you will. I found us a great rate at the Marriott downtown which is super close to the C-train.

We headed to Calgary around 11on Saturday after dropping Lilo off at the parents in law & chatting with them for a few minutes.

When we arrived in Calgary we stopped at the expo to pick up my race packet. Just like last year, this was super well organized we zipped in & out in about 15 minutes. The shirts are awesome! Love that the sizing is more true to size. Last years shirt fit but was not very forgiving, this one is a little more roomy & I like that. It's a great design as well. (I will add pictures once I'm at a computer)

After that we went & saw Star Trek: Into Darkness at Chinook (it was super good) & went to milestones for some pasta for me (gluten free & soooo yummy!) & steak for Nick. Then we watched some surfing movie that was really good, based on a true story & I cannot remember the title of it!

I set my alarm for 5:30 & we headed out around 6:30, paid for more parking in the parkade & hopped on the train to Erlton.

We got there just as O'Canada was playing before the 42.2 & 21.1's headed out.

Then it was line up & go time!!!!! I didn't have music or water, just my Garmin & race number belt with the pouch on it for my phone & Kleenex & wow that's the way to go! I used water/Gatorade stations for the first time ever & realized I'd apparently feared them for no reason. I've always just assumed I'd run into someone or someone into me & did everything to avoid them. This time though they were a huge motivator for me & I loved them! Sweet!

The first kilometre was a mob of runner/shufflers. The only pace bunny I'd seen at the start was the 0:45 & 0:50 which I situated myself in between...or so I'd thought, it was a bit mash mash & I lost track of them quickly.

On the first little uphill, something inside of me popped or stretched or something! I had a giant pain from my butt to my hip & down my left leg to the point where I was limping every step. I moved over to the side, stopped, stretched & then started again. It would be ok for a few steps & then would be back again. Scores of people passed me & I was wayyyy at the back of the pack by 3Km. Finally just before 4Km it went away & I slowly was able to run again. I gingerly went along until the 6K point & then hauled butt for the last 4K. My time was 1:32:00 which is over 1/2 hr over my time goal but I didn't stop & so I'm pretty proud of that!

Highlights for me:

1. Running on Memorial Drive. I remember being a kid & coming to Calgary to see my Grandparents, I always thought Memorial Drive was the most beautiful place ever with the trees & river & then downtown in the background, this was really special for me.

2. There was this older gentleman running ahead of me as I stopped & stretched & then kept going, he was so cool! He thanked EVERY volunteer he passed. What a sweet man!

3. The organization was amazing! I'm super Type A & tend to get nervous if I don't know what to expect. Having that email go out last night about watching footing & to always go left when the cones split the road was just brilliant in my books!

4. Nick took a pic of me as I was heading into the grandstand, I'm in a mob of other runners & it's grainy but he was SO excited that he was able to take a picture of me running :)

5. The pancake breakfast. There were no gluten free ones, but Nick got pancakes which was awesome as he got a reward for the morning too!

6. Medals. Love my giant medal :)

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

5 Days 'til Jugo Juice 10K!

Getting excited!

With 5 days to go until my first race of the year, the excitement is setting in early! I'm so happy to be healthy & ready to do this. Also, a 10K is a great kick-off to the summers 3 half marathons.

I checked the weather forecast & it's supposed to be sunny & a high of 16 (this may change) that sounds pretty good, hoping it's not crazy windy like today.

I am hoping for a sub 60 minute time but will just be sure the 1:10 pace bunny crosses the finish line after me & I will be good with that.

Happy Running!